Engaged Living

For Alzheimer's and Dementia

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Reduce Your Alzheimer’s and Dementia Risk with Exercise and Diet

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When people think about their cognitive health, they often do not think about the links with their physical health. However, studies indicate that both regular exercise and a healthy diet can significantly help prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. The Effects of Exercise on the Brain The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability…

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Foods for Fighting Alzheimer’s and Dementia

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Research has shown that the foods that we eat can have an impact on the health of our brains. While there is no specific diet for people who have Alzheimer’s disease, there are many foods that researchers say can ease symptoms and even possibly prevent Alzheimer’s. Consider incorporating these nutritious options to protect your brain…

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Is Deep Brain Stimulation An Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s?

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Deep brain stimulation has been used to treat the tremors, walking problems and rigidity that can be symptoms of advanced Parkinson’s disease. An exciting new study is giving hope that this treatment can safely give relief to individuals with Alzheimer’s as well. Recent Study Results Are Promising The ADvanance trial is a Phase 2 study testing…

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How Lack of Sleep Could Contribute to Dementia

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Every now and then, we all have those nights where we spend more time tossing and turning than resting in a deep slumber. New research shows that these nights aren’t just bad for your alertness the morning after. They could contribute to the damage that leads to Alzheimer’s. Sleep Research Shows Higher Beta-Amyloid Protein Levels…

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Fish Oil May Be a Key in Alzheimer’s Prevention

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Physical and mental exercises have long been recommended to help prevent dementia. It now appears that diet and nutrition can play a strong part in protecting memory, as well. Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are valued for the many health benefits they provide. New research is suggesting that they can provide protection…

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Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Impact on Women

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Dementia has become a shockingly large problem in today’s society, with rampant gender inequality, burdening women with most of the responsibility, costs and health consequences. By 2050, there will be an estimated 135 million people worldwide with dementia. Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, is predicted to rise astronomically from more than 44 million in 2013. That’s according to a ADI (Alzheimer’s…

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7 Tips to Improve Brain Power

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Boost your brain power by integrating these simple ideas into your everyday life. Pay attention by concentrating on what you want to remember. Train your memory by trying to memorize phone numbers or a credit card number. Find ways to decrease the stress in your life through exercise, meditation, or spending time doing something you…

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Hope for Two New Alzheimer’s Drugs

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By Victoria Colliver, SF Chronicle May 31, 2015 A new drug created a stir in March when it’s maker, Biogen in Cambridge, Mass., announced the results of a small human trial that exceeded expectations. The treatment, an engineered antibody tested in a first-phase study of 166 patients, substantially reduced the amount of abnormal protein deposits in…

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Engaging Gardens Engage People with Dementia

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Among the recent happenings at Primrose this spring were improvements we made to our French kitchen garden, which included the addition of beautiful new, raised beds for our herbs, vegetables, and flowers. In addition to having the practical application of allowing our cooks to prepare meals using our own fresh, hand-picked vegetables, we hope that…

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A Simple Tool for Assessing Dementia:
A Person’s Walking Pace

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Developing accurate and affordable diagnostic tools for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is as important as the scientific studies that seek a medical breakthrough to delay or eliminate the disease. And as Alzheimer’s rates continue to increase around the world in aging populations, the search becomes more urgent to find and develop inexpensive diagnostic tools that…

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