Engaged Living

For Alzheimer's and Dementia

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Validation Therapy and Dementia

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Validation is a good feeling. Most of us try to surround ourselves with people who, through their words and actions, make us feel understood and sup-ported. The need to feel validated doesn’t disappear when someone develops Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, but it can be hard for loves ones and caregivers to pro-vide…

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The Lasting Power of Feelings

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The Hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for factual short term memory. This is the part that is often first affected by dementia. The Amygdala holds your emotional memory and is often not affected by dementia at all. This means that even if someone can’t remember what activity they took part in, the…

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A Season of Change

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Change is an intrinsic part of life. All of us face those challenges at one time or another. Here are a few ideas to help you steer through the seasons of change. 1. Whether it’s fear, anxiety or excitement, be sure to recognize and accept your feelings. 2. Reach out to friends and family to…

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Things to Remember When Someone You Love Has Dementia

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Hands Molding Clay

 Be educated about the disease. Learning as much as you can about the progression of dementia can help you empathize with and understand your loved one.  Be realistic in your expectations for yourself and your loved one. Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic ex-pectations as your loved one struggles with dementia.  Don’t…

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Laughter is Good Medicine

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The effects of laughter have been researched so closely that there’s even a name for the field of study: gelotology. If you have a loved one who’s going through Alzheimer’s or dementia, you could probably use the boost that laughter gives. Here are some facts on laughter and how it impacts your state of mind:…

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Speak To The Heart

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We often do things that are seemingly minute to us, but these things can mean a great deal to others. Imagine that you have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Little by little your memory fades away. Not only would you forget how to do things like use the microwave and cook, but you forget your family and…

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Benefits of Art and Music for Those With Alzheimer’s and Dementia

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When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you want to make sure they have all of the best in care, of course. However, there is more to think about than just primary care–you want to help your loved one live the best life possible. One of the best ways to improve quality of life…

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Sundowning: Causes, Symptoms, Solutions

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Sundowning is a common condition that can affect older people with dementia. Knowing what sundowning is, how to identify the symptoms and what to do to help your loved one can help make life easier and more enjoyable for everyone. What is Sundowning? The term “sundowning” refers to a personality change that commonly affects people…

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Grow a Garden of Benefits:
Gardening for Those with Dementia

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Tranquility, exercise, and vitamin D are some of the top benefits of gardening. These benefits and countless others will enhance the daily life of your loved one living with dementia. According to Alzheimers.net, gardening is one of the top activities which should be included in a Montessori Method to caring for someone with dementia. This…

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The Link Between Alzheimer’s and Depression

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Depression can color a person’s whole perception of themselves and the world. This distressing condition is common in early- to middle-stage Alzheimer’s patients. Studies have shown that up to 65 percent of people with dementia suffer from depression at some point in the course of their illness. While it’s not clear whether dementia causes depression,…

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